Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Not-exactly Annual Christmas Cookie Decorating Gathering

Christmas *is* sugar cookies, isn't it? :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009 We *think* it was our 3rd time gathering 'round Judith's kitchen counter, which is not your average size counter, no, no, not at all. If you look closely, you should be able to count 8 gals all dutifully "smiling" for our volunteer photographer Becky.

Ah, ha! Check out the next photo; there's Becky! Caught...in conversation with Maura. It must be acknowledged that Maura was only one of two other women who readily donned an apron, selecting from among my stash (I am a devoted fan of aprons)

What we did was to decorate Christmas cookies and laugh lots and enjoy more of being in the company of delightful women with whom we socialize over dinner (once a month), discuss what books we've been reading (monthly Book Group), and have an old-fashion Koffee Klatch (one morning a week).
We were delighted to welcome back Maura (from the east coast) and her mother, AND Mary (from New Mexico). Too, Sally dragged along her longtime best pal, Debi, visiting this season from out of town....somewhere where they have lovely Southern-type drawls :).

Much joy and cheer these women bring to any gathering. Merry Christmas to all, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful looking cookies! I'll bet they taste as sweet as they look. Thanks for posting!

